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Successful Low-Flow Measurement with Single-Use Coriolis

11 Jun 2020

Engineering challenges are always exciting. It took us 2 years to perfect Malema's Low Flow Single Use Coriolis Flow Meter to perform to an accuracy specification of ±1% of reading across a flow range of 0.5 g/min to 50 g/min. Today the SumoFlo® CPFM-8103 Low Flow Coriolis Flow Meter is measuring consistently and accurately.

 Malema's Low-Flow SumoFlo Single-Use Flow Sensor

Why did our customer use Coriolis for his application? The major complaint from our customer was that all other technologies (including ultrasonic flow cells and clamp-on ultrasonic meters) have a significant drift and as such do not meet the high accuracy specs of ±1% of reading. Our customer also wanted a device that offered up accurate measurements when micro bubbles were present. All the devices he had tested just did not work with bubbles. He wanted accurate measurements from 1 g/min to 5 g/min.

If you do wish to receive a copy of the white paper on this application with all flow rate and calibration data collected, please email Malema Life Sciences at


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